health & safety


Datzyk Montessori School is actively monitoring the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) and will be updating this site regularly to share information about the school’s preparations and responses. We are following the CDC and PA Department of Health guidelines on responding to the virus. Our preparations and responses will be strongly enforced to maintain the health and safety of our entire community.

Please refer to our 2023-2024 Family Handbook for a more detailed overview of our policies and procedures. The document is a living one and will be reissued with updates as needed. The most recent version is from January 2, 2024.

At this point in time, it is unknown whether stay-at-home orders may be announced at the beginning of the year, or at any point during the year.

We have prepared a comprehensive School from Home plan to keep your child on pace and engaged in the case of a dismissal from in-person instruction. We aim to ensure a consistent approach, and to bridge the school-home divide.

In order to maintain health and safety in the school, we are developing new daily activity policies and procedures. The policies and procedures will be strictly enforced. Our plan will be continuously evaluated to ensure that it is functioning as intended, and that it is in line with current CDC and PA Department of Health guidelines.

Please review the CDC’s guidelines, and keep the parent checklist handy.

Please review the CDC’s guidelines, and keep the parent checklist handy.

+ Health Policy

The school health policy will be evaluated regularly to reflect Covid-19 symptoms and new guidelines.

Do not send your child to school on days when any one of the following symptoms are present:

  • Fever (temperature 100.4° and above) or chills*
  • Congestion or runny nose*
  • Diarrhea*
  • Nausea or vomiting*
  • Sore throat (some Covid-19 variants manifest with scratchy or dry throat) *
  • Cough*
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing*
  • Fatigue*
  • Muscle or body aches*
  • Headache*
  • New loss of taste or smell*
  • Rash
  • Discharge of discolored or profuse mucus from the nose
  • Any contagious disease

*Covid-19 symptom

For further information regarding our health policy, please refer to the 23-24 Family Handbook.

+ Arrival & Dismissal

Full Day and Morning Session Arrival

A PoDS volunteer will meet you at the car and guide your child into the building.

Parents shall remain in their cars. Children that are old enough to get out on their own wait for an adult before exiting their vehicle. Each classroom will use an assigned door for entry and exit from the building.

Full Day and Morning Session Dismissal

Students will wait in their respective classrooms. There will be no gathering of big groups to wait for cars. One of the classroom teachers will wait inside, and the other will escort students to their cars.

Extended Care

Extended care parents or guardians may park while dropping off their children.

+ Extended Care

There will be AM Extended Care.

+ Cleaning & Disinfecting

We are acutely aware of the importance of frequent and thorough disinfecting in and around the school. We will have professional cleaning done weekly.

+ Classroom & Playground Policies


When students arrive at their classroom, they will be greeted by their teacher. The student will put their things away, and then immediately wash their hands with soap and water.

Teachers have detailed instructions for minimizing the spread of germs. Please feel free to email Mrs. Turrisi ( for further information.

Meet the Teacher Night

We will host a virtual event. Teachers will present important updates and information, and parents will have a chance to ask questions at the end.


Parent/Teacher conferences will be held virtually in the fall, and in the spring.

Progress reports will be sent home prior to scheduled conference times. Parents will have a chance to review the report and prepare questions.

This list is fairly all-encompassing and highly recommended for review:

Additional useful links: