nighttime neighbors

summer session 2024

You may already know that owls hoot, but are you aware they also hiss, chirp, and whistle? 

Owls have large faces and very large knowing eyes. They have hooked beaks, short tails, long wings, and sharp claws. 

Keeping your head perfectly still, move your eyes around and around. 

Owls can not move their eyes as much as you, yet they can see extremely well. 

Come find out how!

Beware! If you ever come upon a skunk, you better hold your nose!

Skunks are usually black with a white patch on their head and one or two white stripes running down their back. 

When a skunk is frightened by an enemy, it lifts its tail and stamps its feet to scare the enemy away. If this doesn’t work, the next thing the skunk does will! 

Do you know what that is? 

Hint - it’s stinky!

Though bats fly like birds, they are not birds!

Bats are mammals. 

Instead of feathers bats are covered with fur, and instead of hatching from an egg, bats are born alive - just like us!

While we sleep in our warm beds and birds cuddle cozily in their nests, bats sleep in a most unusual way! 

Come this week to discover how bats sleep, and how they maneuver in the night sky.

The summer session is open to currently enrolled students.

Children 3–6 years old may register for either the morning (9:00 am–12:00 pm) or full day (9:00 am–3:00 pm) session.
2 year olds may register for the morning (9:00 am–12:00 pm) session.


Morning: $225 per week
Full Day: $300 per week

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